Led by Founder and Principal Wendy Rosov, PhD, our dynamic team brings years of experience in education, research, philanthropy, and nonprofit management to our work on behalf of our clients.

Each of our projects is directed by a member of the Senior Leadership Team, allowing you to receive personal attention. With staff based at our offices in Berkeley, California, and Jerusalem as well as in other strategic locations, we are always available when you need us!

Wendy Rosov, PhD
Founder and Principal

Wendy is Founder and Principal of Rosov Consulting, a multinational, mission-driven company dedicated to informing and improving Jewish education philanthropy and practice. In this role, Wendy brings more than 25 years of experience as a senior-level consultant to individual philanthropists, community and family foundations, and Jewish communal nonprofit organizations throughout North America and Israel. She is an expert on program design and evaluation and is a frequent presenter at workshops and seminars in the philanthropic and nonprofit sector. During her career, Wendy has worked with over 100 different North American grantmaking and operating foundations and their grantee partners. Through Rosov [Read More…]

Alex Pomson, PhD
Principal & Managing Director
Laurence Kotler-Berkowitz, PhD
Senior Director
Frayda Gonshor Cohen, EdD
Managing Director
Brian Blumenband, MS
Associate Director, Systems & Innovation
Natasha Nefedyeva, MA, MBA
Associate Director, Portfolio & Strategy
Lucinda Sears, MBA
Nettie Aharon, MPH
Associate Director, Research & Evaluation (on leave)
Megan Brown, MA
Project Associate
Evelyn María Dean-Olmsted, PhD
Project Lead
Gabe Freiman
Project Associate
Annie Jollymore, MA
Senior Project Lead
Karina Kordiukova, MA
Project Associate
Allison Magagnosc, MS
Senior Project Lead
Yaakov Malomet
Project Lead
Laurel Meierdiercks, PhD
Research Operations Assistant
Kierstin Miller, MS
Project Associate
Zohar Rotem, PhD
Liat Sayfan, PhD
Associate Director
Karen Uribe
Communications Coordinator
Koah Yankova
Project and Operations Assistant