Ensure that two different studies explored the impact of Jewish engagement with the same approach and with similar questions. One study was solely a project of the URJ and measured the lifelong impact of its youth programs on alumni, while in the other study, the URJ was one of 14 Jewish youth-serving organizations measuring their impact on current teen participants. [Read More...]
Understanding the Price Point for Day School
Investigate the high school choices of 7th and 8th grade students and parents in Toronto Jewish day schools to understand why the Jewish high school, TanenbaumCHAT, was recruiting smaller proportions of those students. [Read More...]
Onward and Upward: Developing Meaningful Connections to Israel
Evaluate the program’s impact on participants’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to Jewish peoplehood, Israel, and personal/professional development. [Read More...]
Hebrew Immersion Goes to Day Camp
Develop and design a new initiative that would engage new audiences in Hebrew language education; evaluate the implementation and outcomes of immersive Hebrew experiences at day camps [Read More...]
Maximizing a Golden Opportunity
The Board of Trustees of The Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati engaged Rosov Consulting to develop its vision, strategy, and goals as its assets increased and it looked for more opportunities to leverage impact and create meaningful community relationships. [Read More...]
A Major Merger Necessitates Systems Coaching
Five separate organizations—each serving as the umbrella entity for its own network of Jewish Day Schools—merged into one new organization, Prizmah: Center for Jewish Day Schools. As this occurred, the leadership of the new organization engaged Rosov Consulting to take them through a year-long systems coaching process that would ideally result in a new coherent culture in addition to the structures and systems to support that culture. [Read More...]